

Quartus II 13.0 - 安裝Altera USB Blaster drivers驅動程式

開啟Windows裝置管理員,可以看到在其他裝置 > USB-Blaster驅動程是沒有安裝。 (2). 點選USB-Blaster 按滑鼠右鍵,在選擇更新驅動程式軟體(P).

Intel USB Blaster Driver Installation Instructions

Select Update Driver Software. Select Browse my computer for driver software. Enter the location of the Quartus software USB-Blaster driver files directory.

[PDF] FPGA Lab 一、ALTERA Quartus II Web Edition Software 下載安裝過程

一、ALTERA Quartus II Web Edition Software 下載安裝過程. 二、安裝USB-Blaster Driver 讓電腦可以透過USB 與FPGA 溝通. 三、實驗步驟. Page 2. 一、ALTERA Quartus II ...

[PDF] USB-Blaster Download Cable User Guide

This section describes how to install the USB-Blaster driver on Linux. The Quartus II software uses the built-in USB drivers (usbfs) on RedHat Linux to access ...

Altera USB Blaster drivers for Windows 11 Arm

Download the official FTDI D2XX drivers for Windows 11 from FTDI's site: https://ftdichip.com/drivers/d2xx-drivers/ Both the X64 and ARM64 packages are ...

USB-Blaster Driver for Windows 7 and Windows Vista

Driver Installation for Intel FPGA USB-Blaster · Plug the USB-Blaster download cable into your PC. · Select Locate and install driver software (recommended).

usb blaster driver? : rFPGA

Download and install the latest version of Quartus Prime Lite. It has a working driver for the USB blaster on the latest version of Windows ...

Intel USB Blaster II Driver Installation Instructions

Select Update Driver Software. Select Browse my computer for driver software. Enter the location of the Quartus software USB-Blaster II driver files directory.

Altera Quartus II 13.0安裝步驟與usb blaster驅動程式安裝方式

Altera Quartus II 13.0安裝步驟與usb blaster驅動程式安裝方式. 6K views · 2 years ago ...more. 蔡懷文. 5.35K. Subscribe. 30. Share.